Friday, January 12, 2018

What's Missing In Your Marketing Is You!

Are you starting to feel like no matter what you're doing, 
where you advertise or how many emails you send... 
it's just not working?

Obviously, Something Isn't Right. Am I Right?
Without me having any idea what it is you are trying to promote, sell, or recruit people into online, I would dare to guess that the missing link 
(pun intended) is simply You.

Now Consider This...
When you originally made the decision to get signed-up and get 
started with whatever it is you are promoting or selling online, 
you most likely made that decision because...

You spotted an ad for a product, service or opportunity 
that was a fit for your lifestyle.
Or maybe...
Someone suggested you have a look at something, 
you did and now here you are.

Most Likely...
You were already very familiar with the person who was presenting 
the info and most likely have been a friend/fan/follower 
online (on facebook for example).
Or maybe...
You had been on the person's email subscriber list 
and had become familiar with them because they include a blog 
(personal website) when they've emailed you.

Otherwise... (*best answer)
You landed on some random advertisment online that grabbed your attention and you decided to take the time to do a Google/Youtube search for more info (someone to help you). In doing that, you were able to find someone's website, personal blog, video presentations, etc... and based on that, made a decision. 

**Notice: Every Example Above Includes Becoming
Familiar (Confident) Before Any Decision Is Made.

This Matters Because...
If your simple day-to-day marketing efforts online are 
not producing much of any results for you, then 
this should serve as an obvious indication:

1. Your marketing is not helping people become familiar.
2. Your marketing is not helping to inspire confidence.
3. Your marketing is not helping to increase visitors.
4. Your marketing is not helping you make money.

I Have A Simple Solution... Let's R0CK!!

Steven Anthony