Monday, August 13, 2018

Quickie Posts for Social Clicks...

"Hi" Rockstars! I'm going to put out something here that I haven't shared in a while.

 Steven Anthony
 The main reason being that personally, I've been on a bit of a "quest" recently. You see, I love hanging-out on facebook. I do. I even ventured back onto twitter for the first time in a long time too. But facebook is number one for me, probably always will be. So I'm going to share how I leverage FB posting to increase exposure and engagement.

Living Down Criticism That Comes With Success...

It's no secret that I have been managing an ad posting group on facebook. In some ways, it's been one of the smartest marketing moves I've made online. In other ways, it has proven troublesome. The group and members have provided many friends, a captive audience, leads, sales, repeat customers, etc... all the cool things anyone marketing online is working towards. Winner !! 

But at the same time, it has left my reputation (and the door) wide open for criticism of me being some jacked-up "spam" artist who is providing zero value into the marketplace. I've been called names I'd rather not repeat and publicly dragged into the mud of unpopular opinion... on more than one occasion, by some of the biggest and most popular voodoo guru mentors starring on facebook. 

I started with the ad group idea in the first place because, I wanted to post into other ad groups and build a following without posting affiliate links. So I asked myself... what is something that people using ad posting groups would be interested to sign-up for, no questions asked? My answer to that question was and still is, another ad posting group. Obvious enough, right?

Taking It To A Whole Other Level...

Here is where things can get interesting and profitable, for you. Let's say you happen to be someone who is active posting into the ad groups on a daily basis. You recognize the posts, you recognize the offers and opportunities associated with those posts and you probably recognize many of the people posting. But here's the question... other than "seeing" their post, is there really anything exciting enough to have you curious to learn more. I mean, other than some "Paypal cash" ask for "Info"...

Clickable posts. I'm not talking about posting an affiliate (or Co.) link that loads into a clickable image post either. I'm talking about having a personal blog/website (simple is a-ok) that will allow you to share recent posts (content) as clickable image/text posts. These posts have literally taken my ad group posting and engagement from good to well beyond expectations. Not that there's anything oh so unbelievably valuable being shared here, other than the obvious...

Same As You Have, People Click These Posts! 

Steven A., Owner/Admin