Monday, August 13, 2018

Quickie Posts for Social Clicks...

"Hi" Rockstars! I'm going to put out something here that I haven't shared in a while.

 Steven Anthony
 The main reason being that personally, I've been on a bit of a "quest" recently. You see, I love hanging-out on facebook. I do. I even ventured back onto twitter for the first time in a long time too. But facebook is number one for me, probably always will be. So I'm going to share how I leverage FB posting to increase exposure and engagement.

Living Down Criticism That Comes With Success...

It's no secret that I have been managing an ad posting group on facebook. In some ways, it's been one of the smartest marketing moves I've made online. In other ways, it has proven troublesome. The group and members have provided many friends, a captive audience, leads, sales, repeat customers, etc... all the cool things anyone marketing online is working towards. Winner !! 

But at the same time, it has left my reputation (and the door) wide open for criticism of me being some jacked-up "spam" artist who is providing zero value into the marketplace. I've been called names I'd rather not repeat and publicly dragged into the mud of unpopular opinion... on more than one occasion, by some of the biggest and most popular voodoo guru mentors starring on facebook. 

I started with the ad group idea in the first place because, I wanted to post into other ad groups and build a following without posting affiliate links. So I asked myself... what is something that people using ad posting groups would be interested to sign-up for, no questions asked? My answer to that question was and still is, another ad posting group. Obvious enough, right?

Taking It To A Whole Other Level...

Here is where things can get interesting and profitable, for you. Let's say you happen to be someone who is active posting into the ad groups on a daily basis. You recognize the posts, you recognize the offers and opportunities associated with those posts and you probably recognize many of the people posting. But here's the question... other than "seeing" their post, is there really anything exciting enough to have you curious to learn more. I mean, other than some "Paypal cash" ask for "Info"...

Clickable posts. I'm not talking about posting an affiliate (or Co.) link that loads into a clickable image post either. I'm talking about having a personal blog/website (simple is a-ok) that will allow you to share recent posts (content) as clickable image/text posts. These posts have literally taken my ad group posting and engagement from good to well beyond expectations. Not that there's anything oh so unbelievably valuable being shared here, other than the obvious...

Same As You Have, People Click These Posts! 

Steven A., Owner/Admin

Wednesday, June 13, 2018

Do I Really Need A Website In 2018?

No matter what you "think" you understand about how-to
dominate the internet for additional income at this point, 
chances are you're still missing one significant piece... 
and that would be a website of your very own.  

Without A Website, You Have No Business Online!

Free Starter Membership Here

Do I Really Need A Website In 2018?
I'm going to take you back in time to 7 years ago, back when I first flipped open my laptop and began my quest to find a simple way to make money online from home in my spare time. I knew less than nothing of course but I was smart enough to create both my twitter and facebook accounts. 

I happened to spot what looked like a super cool automation tool called tweet-adder and as soon as I realized I could earn commissions every time someone purchased the tool using my affiliate link, I thought to myself "my God, this is too easy". I grabbed my link, opened up my twitter and spam tweeted non-stop for hours. Until twitter stopped me.

Facebook? I knew better then to continuously spam my own status, so I posted once and waited. Truth be told, I was too brand-newbie to think of messaging random people and if any of the FB Ad Posting Groups even existed way back in those days, I certainly had no idea how to find them. 

Here's The Moral Of My Story...
7 years ago both twitter and facebook were pretty wide-open territory compared to today. Of course I  had literally zero marketing "smarts" and it showed. My total sales of tweet-adder amounted to exactly $0. Now, if we flash forward to today. Forget about it. Social Media is one big popularity contest and if all you've got to show is some canned presentation and a generic sales page. Good luck.
It didn't work 7 years ago and it still doesn't work.

Having A Website (of your own) In 2018 Is 
Especially Important When Posting To
Social Media... It's What The Pros Do!

 Steven Anthony
Need help? Let's chat...
Facebook Me

Thursday, April 26, 2018

Clickable Posts and Social Blogging

It's 6 pm on a Wednesday. You're on the couch with your feet up. You've got the iphone in one hand, while you do a quick channel surf with the remote in the other. At some point, you settle on some re-run of CSI you've already seen a dozen times as your choice for background noise. You drop the remote in your lap, shift your attention back to the iphone and proceed to check in on facebook.

Here's a question for you... 
Which of your friend's online business or network marketing type of posts are you most likely to pay any attention to at all? Even if you're only just now starting to pay any attention to any of the make money from home, make money online opportunities. 

No question about it, it's going to be the clickable posts.
You know what I'm referring to right? The posts that include a high quality image without all the "click here" or "ask for info" nonsense, below the image is a well written summary (or snippet of text) which peeks your interest just enough that you want to delve a little deeper into the post. You also notice there's a clearly visible website address that is not the direct link to a business opporturtinty... no... it's the url to the person's personal website. When you click the post to continue enjoying the content, you realize it is a personal website and immediately you breath easier.

Did you catch what I just did? 
There's really nothing all that fancy about it. But let's be honest here, once I begin to share this simple blog post out to my facebook audience, it will get plenty of clicks. It's too bad that the only reason more people (marketing enthusiasts) are not posting these friendly, inviting types of posts is because... well.. they don't have a website of their own.

Steven Anthony
Let's chat on...
or call me @...
52 951 124 1827

Friday, January 12, 2018

What's Missing In Your Marketing Is You!

Are you starting to feel like no matter what you're doing, 
where you advertise or how many emails you send... 
it's just not working?

Obviously, Something Isn't Right. Am I Right?
Without me having any idea what it is you are trying to promote, sell, or recruit people into online, I would dare to guess that the missing link 
(pun intended) is simply You.

Now Consider This...
When you originally made the decision to get signed-up and get 
started with whatever it is you are promoting or selling online, 
you most likely made that decision because...

You spotted an ad for a product, service or opportunity 
that was a fit for your lifestyle.
Or maybe...
Someone suggested you have a look at something, 
you did and now here you are.

Most Likely...
You were already very familiar with the person who was presenting 
the info and most likely have been a friend/fan/follower 
online (on facebook for example).
Or maybe...
You had been on the person's email subscriber list 
and had become familiar with them because they include a blog 
(personal website) when they've emailed you.

Otherwise... (*best answer)
You landed on some random advertisment online that grabbed your attention and you decided to take the time to do a Google/Youtube search for more info (someone to help you). In doing that, you were able to find someone's website, personal blog, video presentations, etc... and based on that, made a decision. 

**Notice: Every Example Above Includes Becoming
Familiar (Confident) Before Any Decision Is Made.

This Matters Because...
If your simple day-to-day marketing efforts online are 
not producing much of any results for you, then 
this should serve as an obvious indication:

1. Your marketing is not helping people become familiar.
2. Your marketing is not helping to inspire confidence.
3. Your marketing is not helping to increase visitors.
4. Your marketing is not helping you make money.

I Have A Simple Solution... Let's R0CK!!

Steven Anthony